Let’s take a look at the books every boutique business owner should read.

Building a Story Brand – A strategic marketing plan is critical for a great business plan, and this book takes an inspiring spin that will allow you to set yourself apart from your competition. Marketing books are high on the list of best books for retail business owners to get their brand out to a larger audience.

You Are a Badass – A serious confidence-boosting book that will teach you how to stop doubting your inner badass and live up to your full potential. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone who wants to get out of their shell and live their best life.

You Are a Badass At Making Money – This is the second book in the series that teaches the power you have to make money if you believe in yourself.

Profit First – Are you struggling to make a profit in your business and grow? This book provides a new spin on accounting geared towards new business owners. Traditional accounting methods can make it hard for small businesses to build their profits. This book comes highly recommended from many successful business owners.

The Miracle Morning – This book is perfect for anyone who is seeking more routine and personal development in their life. Change your attitude toward your morning routine and accomplish your goals. This book made a huge impact in my life!

Unstoppable Influence – Another inspiring book that will build your confidence and focus specifically on how to make a name for yourself as a entrepreneur and serve your audience.

The Go-Giver – You can’t successfully sell without first being will give, this book teaches you the value of helping others that will, therefore, allow you to help yourself and reach your quotas.

Business Boutique – An inspiring story teaching women how to make a living doing what they love. This is one of recommended best books for retail owners.

The 4-Hour Workweek – Learn how to get more done in less time; this book teaches you modern ways to maximize your workload with minimal effort.

Launch – Launch your new business with a specific strategy in mind, creating sales the second you open. This book teaches you how to build an email list and make sales on day one.

Invest It, Bank It, Sell It – Shark Tank’s Lori Greiner wrote this book for anyone who has an idea for a product and needs to understand the process to make that product come to life.

The Power of Broke – No funding? No problem. Shark Tank’s Daymond John shares inspiring stories of how entrepreneurs started from the bottom with little to no resources or money and built their way up to successful billion dollar businesses. Get creative and build your empire.

High Performing Habits – Learn what habits top level CEO’s, Olympic athletes, and entertainment stars use to succeed and achieve greatness.

Are you an aspiring clothing store owner? Check out our Let’s Build a Boutique E-course to build a successful online clothing store here.